Schedule of the Symposium 

January 13 (Monday)



(Setting of conference site)




Registration (Open at 15:00)




Welcome Reception (18:00~)
at Grand Cube Osaka, 12F, Restaurant “Grande Toque”

January 14 (Tuesday)



Plenary Session I

Plenary speakers: <see program>




Technical Session (Oral & Poster)



Session A

Session B

Session C

Session D

Session E









January 15 (Wednesday)



Technical Session



Session A

Session B

Session C

Session D





Technical Session (Oral & Poster)



Session C








Plenary Session II

Plenary speakers: <see program>




Conference Banquet (18:00~)
at RIHGA ROYAL HOTEL Osaka, 2F, Banquet Hall “Sanraku (⼭楽)”

January 16 (Thursday)



Excursion (Optional)




















Program Book

Symposium final program of the ISEPD2025 has been released [revised on January 11].



Abstract Book

The symposium abstract book will be published in electronic format only on January 13, 2025. The link to the abstracts e-book  is provided at the symposium venue (on-site).


Information for Presenters

ISEPD will provide LCD projectors and screens (Only HDMI support) in all meeting

rooms for use during conference sessions. Presenters are asked to bring his/her own lap-top computers or equivalent devices (PDA etc.).

Authors who will not bring the PCs are asked to bring the presentation file (Power

point or PDF only) by USB memory.

Presentation time is; 30 min for Keynote, 20 min for Invited and Contributed Oral

presentations, respectively, including discussion time. Presenting authors are

asked to keep 5 min for the discussion (Q&A).

Poster Session Guidelines

Poster board panel size is A0 ( approximately 84 cm-width and 119 cm-height).

Pins to fix the poster will be provided.

Poster Session will be held at the Poster & Break Room (no. #1008).

Presenting author(s) are asked to put his/her poster in each Poster ID number

panel till the noon (12pm) in each poster session days (January 14 and 15).

The authors are kindly asked to be present in the vicinity of their posters during

the poster session to answer questions that interested viewers may have.

Student Poster Award evaluation will be carried out during the poster session time

(13:00~14:00) in each days.